Hello Dear Visitor
Who we are
Muslim Public Affairs Centre (MPAC), Nigeria, is a leading public service and leadership development organisation that operates on the core Islamic values of justice, mercy, human dignity, freedom, equality for all and sanctity of human life. MPAC is a project-based and volunteer-driven organisation, covering Policy and Advocacy, Media and Strategic Communication and Interfaith Relations, with the mission to serve humanity and work for an inclusive society.
MPAC also seeks to work for Muslim defense, empowerment and promoting individual liberties, religious, civil and political rights of Nigerian Muslims. MPAC is an experienced and independent voice within the Nigerian Muslim community working for the good of the society and contributing to national development.
Incorporated as an independent Muslim public service agency, MPAC seeks to work with the community in pursuing the following aims and objectives:
- To act as a public service agency working for the rights of all Muslims, for the integration of Islam into Nigerian pluralism, and for a positive relationship between Nigerian Muslims and other elements in the society. Thus, promoting dialogue and the culture of peaceful coexistence among cultures, ideas and people.
- To be a non-partisan body to build the Nigerian Muslim constituency and make this body an influential component in the Nigerian politics, at all levels of policy-making arena and making Islamic ethical values available to the Nigerian political process and class.
- To raise awareness of and combat Islamophobia through constructive, proactive and educational means thus projecting a more balanced image of Islam.
- To provide a reliable source of receiving accounts and reports on local and international events and crises involving Muslims locally and internationally, and to work with the victims of such crises for the purpose of seeking, obtaining and giving aids and support in terms of their immediate basic needs.
- To provide a medium whereby members of the Nigerian Muslim community are educated and encouraged to learn and implement the practical Islamic culture of Service to Allah, Service to the Community and Service to Self.
- To organize seminars, workshops, conferences and training aimed at educating the public and private sectors, the government and the general public on Islam and Muslim public affairs.
At MPAC, we have been able to align ourselves on common goals – excellent teamwork, openness, accountability, transparency, leadership, thorough planning, ongoing vigilance and communication. We learn from past campaigns and explore productive relationships within and outside the Islamic community.
For most of us at MPAC, working on behalf of the Muslims is a calling and lifelong commitment to ensure that we contribute spiritually, intellectually and materially to the future of Nigerian Muslims, enrich Muslim contributions to the nation and internationally.

Many people will still remember when in the year 2001, ”theshieldoffaith” debuted on the web as a Nigerian e-group set up to monitor the media as its first and primary mission, following the unrelenting siege of anti-Islam broadcast in the electronic and and hostile press.
“Theshieldoffaith” pioneered institutional Muslim activism and mobilised the Nigerian Muslim masses to stand up and be counted in fighting the bias in the media. Members of “theshieldoffaith” took on the media, thawing biases and showing Muslims what huge difference there is in affirmative action – being active in the age of new media/psychological warfare or choosing to remain inactive with all the consequences. “Theshieldoffaith” flourished with membership exceeding 1000 within the first few months thus becoming the biggest e-group in Nigeria at the time.
Rather than being content as a concentrated group of activists, “theshieldoifaith” leadership envisioned an organisation that will take Islamic issues to higher realm. How about being a professionally managed Muslim public agency that will work for the good of the whole society?
Thus in August 2002, the “theshieldoffaith” transformed to become the Muslim Public Affairs Centre (MPAC) as an independent and strong voice within the Nigerian Muslim community. MPAC has since become a clearinghouse of Muslim public affairs that gives power to the community by allowing resourceful Muslims to work together to achieve results for the community. Insha Allah, MPAC has become the shining example of what Muslims can achieve if they pull resources together and put their minds to it.
MPAC has been very active working on behalf of the Ummah. The following are selected programmes, projects and activities we have been involved in …
- Founded as an e-group in 2001, weeks after September 11, named: “theshieldoffaith”
- Incorporated as a public service agency in 2002, and managed by appointed trustees.
- In 2004, MPAC campaigned and mobilized for joint fundraising drive to the tune of N10 millions ($62,500.00) to secure a Mosque facility that was going to be sold off (to the highest bidder) by the children of the owner after the owner of the Mosque had passed away.
- Founded Sakinah in 2009 as a medical outreach project of MPAC to provide free medical assistance to indigent Nigerians of any faith or ethnicity.
- Held the first MPAC National Convention in 2011, under the auspices of MPAC Events.
- In June 2014, MPAC jointly organized a very successful Business Luncheon for 15 Turkish businesses from DERSIAD – Dunya Erdemli Sanayici ve is Adamlari Dernegi (World Virtuous Industrialists and Businessmen Association). The business luncheon was jointly organised with Islamic Forum for Islamic Education and Welfare.
- MPAC has a strategic and ongoing relationship with the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA), the apex umbrella Muslim body in Nigeria. MPAC did a position paper on Muslim issues and presented to the Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA). This paper served as talking points for some of the contributions made at the Conference in Nigeria.
- 2013: Worked with the delegates representing the Nigeria Muslims community at the national dialogue.
- We have leveraged our engagements with the organizations and institution in Turkey to foster relationship between 3 Universities in Turkey and Crescent University, Abeokuta, Ogun State, with MoU on capacity development and exchange programme signed. Crescent University is first private Islamic university in Nigeria, of the Islamic Mission for Africa, founded by HE Prince AbdulJabbar Bola Ajibola (SAN, KBE, LL.D, D.LITT, CFR), a former Head of the Nigeria High Commission in Britain, former Attorney-General and Minister of Justice of Nigeria and former Judge and President at the International Court of Justice at The Hague, Netherlands.
MPAC authored a memorandum that was submitted to the Nigerian Technical Committee on Hajj in Nigeria in 2005/6. The report was a form of a roadmap document that articulated steps to address the perennial problems of “failed” Hajj operations in Nigeria through mishandling and administrative lapses. This memorandum fed into the official policy of the new Hajj Code. Today, Hajj operations in Nigeria has become more efficient.
- Our political engagement team carry out advocacy and lobbying of federal and sub-national governments on issues that are germane to the political and economic well-being of the Ummah; ideas incubation and formulation of opinion that feed into public policy.
- MPAC was actively involved in supporting sisters that are being discriminated for wearing hijab at workplace, schools, public and private sectors. We were very active in assisting evicted sisters from national youth service camps over use of hijab, and on this matter, presented NSCIA with a document to be forwarded to the appropriate government body, making a case for a halt to hardships needlessly imposed on Muslim female youth corps members (the National Youth Service Corps programme of the Federal Government of Nigeria).
We have so far published and printed three hijab booklets to educate the public on the divine and constitutional rights of hijab, “The Hijab is a RIGHT, Respect It!” “HIJAAB Let Us Do It” and “At That Moment I took Off My Hijab”. More than 30,000 copies have been distributed free nationwide.
- Our civic project team monitor the Federal, State and Local governments on their policies, programme and pronouncement on Muslim affairs and their duties towards protecting Muslim rights.
- Purchased for distribution The Quran Project, a special translation of the Quran for dawah, to contribute to the enrichment of the knowledge of the Quran and alongside about 10,000 hijab booklets, donated to public libraries; school libraries, non-Muslims, tertiary institutions across the geographical zones of Nigeria, human rights groups, professional bodies, National Assembly, the print and electronic media, opinion moulders, etc.
- MPAC released first publication in 2010 under the MPAC Media stable – 73 published articles since 2001, 42 Press Releases since 2001, 7 published and reprinted books since 2010, under MPAC Dawah. A number of these articles, which are original thinking, have been translated into several foreign languages and used in op-ed pages in newspapers and magazines.
- In total, more than 50,000 copies of MPAC publications in free distribution nationwide – to Mosques, Muslim organisations, Media houses, Libraries, state and national assemblies, media organisations, individuals, human rights organisations, corporate and professional bodies, tertiary institutions, etc.
- As Islam Channel, UK is an international media partner of MPAC, we mobilized and facilitated the participation of 3 Nigerian Muslim leaders at the Islamic Channel’s Global Peace & Unity festival, 2013.
- Inaugurated MPAC Legal in 2012 to handle cases of discrimination and denial of fundamental human rights and freedom of religious expression of Muslims, especially on Hijab use by sisters who are discriminated against in public schools, tertiary institutions and the work place.
- As the general election approached in February 2015, MPAC published some electoral guidelines for Muslims and called on the Ummah to initiate constructive engagements with people seeking political positions in their constituencies to discuss and demand answers on the everyday issues affecting us an Ummah and the nation at large.
- We strive to ensure that our internal processes are robust and transparent; start each project with the end in mind and deliver on agreed timeframe. We maintain valuable link with the community we serve, while working for an inclusive society.
- Strategically MPAC is well positioned to execute projects with our excellent records, focus on performance and good relationship with different segments of the Nigerian society.
- MPAC has supported and collaborated with over 25 organizations since 2001, in Nigeria and globally.
- In 2017, Sakinah Medical Outreach was incorporated as a full fledged professional Muslim medical outreach organisation to provide free world-class medical treatment and care for all Nigerians.
- 2018 – Launched the ‘ENGAGE’ Campaign to empower Muslims to engage and participate in the political and civic process in the country.
- 2019 – Collaborated with the Guild of Muslim Professionals for Peace and Development on their 7th convention.
- 2020 – Held a joint press conference in commemoration of The World Hijab Day 2020 in conjunction with a coalition of Muslim organizations in Nigeria.
- 2020 – Interfaith Webinar – an event that treated topics essential to fostering cordial interfaith relations, and had speakers from different faith groups.
- 2020 – Nigeria Muslim Coalition Against COVID-19. Conceptualised and galvanized over 45 Muslim organisations’ response to COVID-19 with donations used to procure relief materials during the lockdown period.
- 2020 – COVID-19: Awareness and Sensitization.
- 2020 – Produced and displayed banners on COVID-19 protocols and “Thank You” messages to all healthcare professionals, frontline workers, as well as social media posts on #TakeResponsibility … retweeted by NCDC2021- Launched a publicity campaign on Israeli aggression in Palestine.
- 2021- Launched a publicity campaign on Israeli aggression in Palestine.
“And when they are told, Do not spread corruption on earth,” they answer, “We are but improving things. Oh, Verily, it is they, they who are spreading corruption—but they perceive it not. And when they are told, “Believe as other people believe,” they answer, “Shall we believe as the weak-minded believe?” Oh, Verily, it is they, they who are weak-minded–but they know it not………God will requite them for their mockery, and will leave them for a while in their overweening arrogance, blindly stumbling to and fro: for it is they who have taken error in exchange for guidance.”
(Qur’an 2: 11 -13; 15 – 16)
To be an exemplary Islamic organization that is balanced, constructive and integrated, though distinct, and by the grace of Allah, excel in its objectives.
MPAC’s mission is to internally build its institutions and run its affairs in both professional and balanced manner to empower the Muslims, develop religious, educational, social and outreach programmes as well as foster good relations with other religious communities, civic and service organisations.