12 Jumada I1 1444 AH, 5th January, 2023

Candidates’ track-record and political parties manifesto must set out clear understanding of important issues, and define the roadmap to bring about measurable improvements and needed changes. There is no shortcut to overcoming the predicament that has been piling on us; there is also no shortcut to achieving easy gains in this highly competitive and merit-based world. At this election, we must commit to work hard to elect exemplary social leaders who, through their love for people and social competence, would be able to bring a sea-change in our communities and the wider society. Only leaders who are physically and emotionally attached to people around them, would be able to build on the strengths we have and work selflessly to turn our current challenges into opportunities.
As Muslims, we must think deep in identifying who our allies are and work credibly with others to build a great nation together. Our search together must be for leaders that have excelled in knowledge, skills and character. Our introspection, our duties and our dealings with others should be built on the deepest love that emanates from Allah. Muslim thought and opinion leaders, scholars, Imams and community leaders must increase the quality and frequency of awareness campaigns on the duty of voting responsibly, and teach the concept of the exercise as a TRUST that must not be squandered; a trust to bring about lasting positive changes, God willing, for our own benefits and that of the coming generations.
MPAC looks forward to a peaceful election where Muslims will turn out in numbers and influence the outcome of Election 2023 in a positive and constructive manner and in an effort to bring about what is best for their community, local constituency and our country.
In the 2023 elections, the Nigerian people and our politicians especially have a heavy responsibility to be God-fearing and not to go down the well-trodden but self-destructive road of sectarian or political violence. We wish them all well in their pursuits and political careers.
MPAC is an incorporated public service agency working for Muslim Defence, Muslim Empowerment and for promoting individual liberties, religious, civil and political rights of Muslims.
MPAC is equally devoted to promoting the integration of Islam into the Nigerian pluralism, for a positive and constructive relationship between Nigerian Muslims and other elements in the society; building the Nigerian Muslim constituency to become an influential component in the Nigerian politics, at all levels of policy-making arena; and making Islamic ethical values available to the Nigerian political process.
As a non-partisan, experienced and independent voice within the Nigerian Muslim community working for the good of the society, MPAC operates on the core Islamic values of justice, mercy, human dignity, freedom, sanctity of human life and equality for all.
The Muslim Public Affairs Centre, MPAC, Nigeria
4, Wilmer Street, Awosika Bus Stop
Isheri-Berger, Lagos State
+234 909 999 6722, +234 807 604 9545
website: www.mpac-ng.org
email: info@mpac-ng.org,
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Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “The best deeds are those done regularly, even if they are small.” [Ibn Mājah]