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Incorporated as an independent Muslim public service agency, Muslim Public Affairs Centre (MPAC) seeks to work for Muslim defence, Empowerment, and Promoting individual liberties, religious, civil and political rights of Nigerian Muslims.
MPAC is a leading public service and leadership development organisation that operates on the core Islamic values of justice, mercy, human dignity, freedom, equality for all and sanctity of human life.
MPAC is a project based and volunteer-driven organisation, covering Media, Politics and Interfaith Dialogue, with the mission to serve humanity and work for an inclusive society.
August 2002.
Many people will still remember when in 2001” theshieldoffaith” debuted on the web as a Nigerian e-group set up to monitor the media as its first and primary mission, following the un-relentless siege of anti-Islam broadcast in the electronic and print media.
“Theshieldoffaith” pioneered institutional Muslim activism and mobilised the Nigerian Muslim masses to stand up and be counted in fighting the bias in the media. Members of “theshieldoffaith” took on the media, thawing biases and showing Muslims what huge difference there is in affirmative action – being active in the age of new media/psychological warfare or choosing to remain inactive with all the consequences. “Theshieldoffaith” flourished with membership exceeding 1000 within the first few months thus becoming the biggest e-group in Nigeria at the time that was actually activating the Muslims.
Rather than being content as a concentrated group of activists, “theshieldoifaith” leadership envisioned an organisation that will take Islamic issues to higher realm – how about being a professionally managed Muslim public agency that will work for the good of the whole society.
Thus in August 2002, the “theshieldoffaith” transformed to become the Muslim Public Affairs Centre (MPAC) – an independent and strong voice within the national and international Muslim communities. MPAC has become a clearing house of Muslim public affairs that gives power to the community by allowing resourceful Muslims work together to achieve results for the community. Insha Allah, MPAC has become the shining example of what Muslims can achieve if they pull resources together and put their minds to it.
At MPAC, we have been able to align ourselves on common goals – excellent teamwork, openness, accountability, transparency and leadership thorough planning, ongoing vigilance and communication. We learn from past campaigns and explore productive relationships within the Islamic community.
For most of us at MPAC, working on behalf of the Muslims is a calling and lifelong commitment to ensure that we contribute spiritually, intellectually and materially to the future of Nigerian Muslims, the Nigerian society and internationally.
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I am text block. Click edit button to change this text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.