In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Muslims Mobilize on Covid-19
Monday, 30 March 2020 | Sha’aban 5, 1441 AH
Lagos, Nigeria

2. The Muslim Congress (TMC)
3. Al-Usrah Inc. Port Harcourt
4. Muslim Media Practitioners of Nigeria.
5. Islamic Forum of Nigeria, Kano
6. Sakinah Medical Outreach
7. Islamic Medical Association of Nigeria (IMAN)
8. ClearPath Islamic Centre
9. Islamic Education and Faith Initiative, Magodo, Lagos
10. The Companion
11. Federation of Muslim Women’s Associations in Nigeria (FOMWAN)
12. Hijab Rights Advocacy Initiative
13. University of Lagos Muslim Alumni (UMA)
14. Nigeria Aid Group of Islam
15. Movement for Islamic Culture and Awareness (MICA)
16. Muslim Welfare Fund
17. Zakat and Sadaqat Foundation (ZSF)
18. Network for Democracy and Development (NDD)
19. Islamic Impact Centre
20. Association of Muslim Professionals, (AMP)
21. Nasrul-Lahi-L-Fatih Society (NASFAT)
22. Obafemi Awolowo University Muslim Graduates’ Association
23. NASFAT Agency for Zakat and Sadaqah (NAZAS)
24. Guild of Muslim Professionals (GMP)
25. NASFAT Relief Initiative
26. The Criterion
27. Forum for Islamic Education and Welfare
28. Zakat and Awqaaf Amana Foundation
29. The National Council of Muslim Youth Organisations (NACOMYO)
30. Islamic Education Trust, Minna, Niger State
31. Islamic Mission for Africa (IMA)
32. Human Concern Foundation International (HCFI)
33. Pious Muslim Women International Organization
34. The Academy, Lagos
35. Yaba College of Technology Muslim Alumni (YMA)
36. Muslim Student Society of Nigeria
37. Pink Clinic Radio- Diagnostics Centre, Maiduguri
38. Ansar-Ud-Deen Youth Association of Nigeria (ADYAN), Lagos State Council
39. Da’wah Front of Nigeria
40. Al-Furqan Nigeria
41. Al-Habibiyyah Islamic Society, Abuja
42. Muslim Association of Visually Impaired of Nigeria-MAVIN
43. Al- Mu’minaat (the believing women) Organisation
44. Pure Heart Islamic Foundation of Nigeria (PHF)
45. Da’wah and Guidance Bureau of Nigeria (DGBN)
46. Initiative for Muslim Sisters (IMSA)
47. The Beneficient Hands of the Ummah
50. Federation of Muslims Medical Laboratory Scientists, Lagos State
“As individuals, communities, as a nation and even globally, we face an unprecedented level of threat to our lives, safety and well-being. This threat is certainly at a level never seen in our lifetimes, at least.
It is therefore important, as Muslim Nigerians, that we lean on one another, and learn from each other’s experience and expertise as we join and further the nation’s efforts to halt the spread of the virus and rid our nation of the ruinous affliction.Rather than work as individual organisations alone, we feel our efforts as individual organisations will be better felt, better aligned and amplified simply by working within a coalition.In the light of this, we propose the formation of a national coalition to be called Muslim Coalition Against COVID-19 to work together with other stakeholders to form a common front, supporting and assisting the nationwide intervention and relief efforts.”
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