As salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh.

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam,

A devastating flood has ravaged Maiduguri, Nigeria, leaving thousands of innocent people in dire need of assistance. As Muslims, it is our duty to respond with compassion and urgency.

The Quran reminds us: “And whoever saves one life, it is as if he has saved all of humanity.” (Quran 5:32)

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “The best of deeds is to help a Muslim in need.” (Sahih Muslim)

We urge you to join us in providing aid to the affected communities, demonstrating our solidarity and commitment to the values of Islam.

The Situation:

– Over 10,000 people displaced
– Hundreds of homes destroyed or damaged
– Critical infrastructure severely impacted
– Food, water, and shelter scarce

– Risk of waterborne diseases rising

Our Response:

We are working in collaboration with three other Islamic organizations to provide:
– Humanitarian aids and emergency support
– Food, water, and sanitation services
– Medical care and health supplies

How You Can Help:

1. Donate generously to the designated account: [MICA, 0508293888, Sterling Bank]
2. Spread awareness: Share this appeal on social media using #MaiduguriFloodRelief
3. Volunteer: Contact us to assist in any way you can.
4. Pray: Offer your thoughts and prayers for the affected communities

Every contribution counts:
The Quran teaches us: “And spend in the way of Allah, and do not throw yourselves into destruction.” (Quran 2:195)

Hadith Inspiration:

“The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ‘The believer is not the one who eats his fill while his neighbor goes hungry.'” (Sahih Bukhari)
Partner organizations:
– Muslim Public Affairs Centre (MPAC)
– The Tahara Collective
– Movement for Islamic Culture and Awareness (MICA)

– Nigeria Aid Group

Account Details for Donations:

Bank Name: Sterling Bank
Account Name: MICA
Account Number; 0508293888

May Allah reward your generosity and compassion.

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