Allah is Great, Allah is Great, to Him belongs all the grace.

As we celebrate the special days of Eid-ul-Adha (the Festival of Sacrifice) the Muslim Public Affairs Centre (MPAC) rejoices with the global Muslim Ummah, which now numbers over 2 billion, according to current statistics. This year, millions of Muslims have gathered for Hajj to follow the footsteps of Prophet Ibrahim (the father of faith), as ordained by our Lord. This gathering is a testament to the acceptance of Prophet Ibrahim’s call for all nations, regardless of race or colour, to visit the land of Makkah at least once in their lifetime, as it represents the final pillar of submission to God Almighty.

As we reflect on the trial and triumph of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and his family, let us reflect on the lessons brought to us by this occasion and share the lessons of sacrifice, devotion, patience, piety, peace and love amongst ourselves.

It is understandable that most Muslims in Nigeria will celebrate this Eid in quiet and conservative manner due to the current economic and financial hardships in the country. May Allah accept your fasts, du’as, and good deeds, and may this special days of Eid celebration bring you closer to your loved ones and your faith.

We urge all Muslim to spend time to reflect on the situation in Palestine and pray for the Palestinians, many of whom have experienced death, injuries, torture, starvation, displacement and continue to suffer great havoc at the hands of Israel, backed by the United States of America. Armed to the teeth by America, Israel has used sophisticated weapons against hospitals, schools, refugee camps, mosques and churches, and dropped more bombs on Gaza than the entire bombs used during the Second World War- aimed at erasing Palestine. With Israel’s overt disregard for human life and the rules of war, more than 36,000 Palestinian lives have been destroyed in the last 9 months, 70% of them women and children. This being the latest episode of Israeli aggression in the 76-year old occupation of Palestine.

Our thoughts, prayers and supports are with the Palestinians as they celebrate another Eid under Israeli occupation. We salute their unwavering courage, faith and resilience despite the political determination of Israel and the United States to colonize them, and if they refuse, destroy them.

Lastly, we pray for our dear country and remember over 50,000 Nigerians in Makkah this year as part of the global community of 2 million worshippers on hajj. May Allah accept their pilgrimage, and return them safely to their families with higher level of Eeman. May their hajj be of immense benefits to the nation, their families and themselves. May this special day bring us all joy, happiness, and blessings. May our faith and devotion be rewarded, and may we be surrounded by love, peace, and prosperity.

Eid Mubarak to all from the MPAC team.

May Allah accept from us and you.


Disu Kamor
Executive Chairman
Muslim Public Affairs Centre, MPAC

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