MPAC ‘ENGAGE’ Campaign!
MPAC Successfully Concludes the First Phase of the MPAC ‘ENGAGE’ Campaign.
Monday, 1 October 2018.

The MPAC ‘ENGAGE’ Campaign aims to empower and encourage Muslims to engage in the political and civic process in the country. You can read more about the Campaign here
The first phase of the MPAC ‘ENGAGE’ Campaign ran for several weeks. The Campaign was aimed at mobilization -to get as many Muslims of voting age to register, join political parties of their choice and aspire to political offices. This involved the use of social media promotions aimed at creating awareness for people to get registered and collect their PVC. The promotions can be found on our Facebook and Twitter Pages. MPAC also distributed banners and fliers to Central Mosques and Eid prayer grounds around Lagos as well as engaged the Muslim youths in the community about the importance of political engagement.
The official Hashtag for the Campaign was #MPACengage, #MPACserves, #9jaVotes2019 and #GetYourPVCnow.
In the following weeks, we will be moving to the second phase of the Campaign where we will be training our dedicated volunteers on electoral processes and how to engage their local community to ensure a peaceful, fair and inclusive election. The training will also extend to self and leadership developments to make them better leaders of the society.
So if you would like to be a part of this, please contact us by clicking the button below.
One more thing, you can also check out the status of your PVC, where to register and even submit a complaint online here.
Become Empowered and Be a Voice Today!
Engagement Team,
MPAC, Nigeria.