“Whoever does not thank people has not thanked Allah.” [Sunan Abī Dāwūd]

The entire MPAC team uses this medium to express our profound appreciation for your kind support, zakat and general donations during the blessed month of Ramadan.

Over the years, your monetary donations and moral support have kept us at the frontlines. We are particularly grateful for your support during Ramadan.

We stand by our pledge to use your zakat and donations to advance the cause of the Nigerian Muslims and the Ummah at large.

As we continue to combat Islamophobia, advocate for empowerment, advance the cause of justice, promote religious and political fair play in our country, and work for interfaith understanding, we urge you not to relent in your support.

Thank you for letting us represent you.

May Allah reward you beyond your imagination.

To read your rights as one of our donors, go to https://mpac-ng.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/MPAC-Donor-Charter.pdf.

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