What Does Ramadan Mean To You?
Monday, 11 April 2022 | 10 Ramadan, 1443 AH

Ramadan means different things to different people.
For some, it’s just a routine exercise and they can’t wait to tick off their bucket list every year.
Some others see it as a form of worship that they have to partake in simply because others are doing it.
Yet, there’s another category that sees Ramadan as an act of worship and must be observed in obedience to Allah.
The people in the last category genuinely understand the importance of Ramadan and are those who will benefit from its bounties.
One factor that distinguishes the last category from the rest is Knowledge. Without knowledge, it will be impossible to fulfil Allah’s rights. Our Ibaadah will be lifeless if we do not understand what is expected of us. Therefore, we call on Muslims to prioritise knowledge above all things during this period.
Indeed, Ramadan presents a unique opportunity to learn about Islam, our Deen. This is the month where Muslim individuals and Islamic organisations dwell the most on matters related to seeking and sustaining knowledge.
Look around you; there are lots of avenues to learn about your Deen. Islamic lectures are being held on radio, TV, social media, etc. From online lectures to Tafseer sessions and lectures, you’ll find enough options to satiate your quest for knowledge during this period.
So let us take advantage of this golden opportunity as much as we can. We must desist from time-wasting activities and focus more on Ibaadah.
We must also take the opportunity to increase our good deeds this season. Every charity you give or help you render this season will weigh heavily on your scale on the day of judgement. So invest in MPAc and make our voice stronger this Ramadan.
May Allah guide us to what is good and also reward us abundantly.
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Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “The best deeds are those done regularly, even if they are small.” [Ibn Mājah]