Help us complete this journey….
The Prophet (SAW) said: “Convey from me even if one ayah (verse) for it may be that the one being informed will comprehend better that the one listening (at present).” We need fund to print or reprint some of the publications below. Please consider making donations to the account before to enable us realise our desire to distribute free copies of these books nationally. By supporting us, you are first and foremost responding to the call of duty to promote the dawah. In doing so you are not just helping to save bodies, but to save souls.
O ye who believe! If ye will help (the Cause of) Allah, He will help you; and plant your feet firmly (in His Way)
“Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom (hikmah) and beautiful preaching and argue with them in ways that are best.” (Surah An-Nahl 16:125)
Give a Gift of Eeman
The Muslim Public Affairs Centre urges you to help and support these projects with generous donations. In addition to buying and distributing free copies of the special “Qur’an Project” Qur’an, we have produced (and continue to produce) materials which we need your help to print and distribute free nationally.
“Whoever guides [another] to a good deed will get a reward similar to the one who performs it.” [Sahih Muslim]
YOU can help expand this project:
Imagine gaining a fraction of reward for every person who learns something from the Qur’an or reverts to Islam as a result of reading the Quran. Not only are you fulfilling your Islamic responsibility of facilitating dawah but your contribution also fulfills your duty to give charity (sadaqah jaariyah) both of which are incumbent upon Muslims. Your donation is absolutely crucial to the success and sustenance of this project and initiative. We want to take Islam to people’s homes and lives in more exciting ways than most of us have experienced in this country. Will you support us? Will you be making the spiritual investment? No one can put a price on someone taking their shahadah, but the next time someone joins our great family as a result of reading the Qur’an, you will know that you have played a part.
To support in reprinting our publications and making new ones, please make your regular or one-off donations.
You can transfer money directly into the MPAC accounts from your own account using the account details below. Should you wish to receive MPAC Official Receipt for your payment please send us your contact and donation details at donation@mpac-ng.org
Bank Name: StanbicIBTC
Account Name: Muslim Public Affairs Centre (Current Account)
Account Number: 0006479106
Or see: http://www.mpac-ng.org/yourhelp/donate-to-mpac.html