What Has MPAC Been Up To In The Last Year 2021/2022?
Wednesday, 27 April 2022 | 26 Ramadan 1443AH

Last year was quite an eventful one for MPAC. Coming off the pandemic restrictions, MPAC like other corporate organizations quickly readjusted to the normal work life. We saw it was a new beginning of some sort; the lockdown was called off and our team had enough time to refresh. Thus, we continued our impact-driven projects some of which would be mentioned below.
Building on the success of the previous MPAC Engage campaigns, MPAC launched a publicity campaign in June 2021 on the Israeli aggression in Palestine to galvanise public consciousness on the plight of the oppressed Palestinians. The public enlightenment campaign was flagged off in Abuja and Lagos, with several billboards erected at strategic locations in both cities.
Speaking on the publicity campaign, the Executive Chairman of MPAC, Mr Disu Kamor said the campaign “underscores the unwavering commitment of the Centre to Muslim rights issues in Nigeria and elsewhere around the world.”
In November 2021, the MPAC Chair, Disu Kamor, joined other notable dignitaries to speak at The International Day for Tolerance organised by the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers. The event focused on “Whole of Society Approach: Shining examples of mitigating COVID-19 consequences.” Mr Disu addressed a roundtable of actors from the UN and its Member States, civil society, and multi-religious spaces sharing best practices and mechanisms adopted by the Muslim Coalition Against Covid-19, a collaborative initiative of fifty-four Muslim organisations across Nigeria that was pioneered by MPAC to promote peace and inclusion amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The Coalition was formed during the COVID-19 lockdown in March 2020 with the aim of pulling together the resources of the groups to support the government’s efforts to eradicate the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria.
In order to promote social development and Muslim empowerment in Nigeria and abroad, MPAC organized its third MPAC Masterclass event, themed “Building a Viable Business Brand: Leveraging Technology.” The event which came up in December 2021 attracted a diverse network of consultants and industry professionals that have broken through the hurdles of running successful businesses. The participants comprising Muslim youth between the ages of 18 to 40 cut across an audience of students, entrepreneurs and professionals.
The FREE Masterclass focused on four major areas – Fintech, Manufacturing, Services and Trading/Retail – and was well attended by the participants. Our aim through this event is to empower the Muslim youth and guide them towards alternative paths that take national development and also create opportunities for them to engage in social, educational, career and entrepreneurial activities.
Just before the year ran out in December 2021, MPAC also launched an online survey to unravel cases of faith-based discrimination targeted toward Muslims. This national study investigates religious prejudice and unequal treatment in Nigerian society. It’s also an attempt to understand how anti-Islam and anti-Muslim prejudice manifest.
The purpose of the campaign is to develop a vision of a society free of prejudice and discrimination for all Nigerians. This survey was administered online and invited all Muslims that have witnessed or experienced discrimination either directly or indirectly to take part.
MPAC maintains a vibrant working relationship with many Muslim organisations and others in the course of our work. Among the notable projects we executed within the last year was collaborating with “The Companion” to host their 5th National Discourse. Coming about three months after MPAC organised its third Masterclass, the national discourse further highlighted our drive to contribute to human development based on the principles of Islam.
Between last year and today, MPAC has raised two crucial issues regarding persecution of Muslims with the Nigerian Human Rights Commission, and on one of them, we attended a series of interviews at the Federal Intelligence Bureau (FIB) of the Nigeria Police Force, Abuja. The two crucial issues were on the persecution and killings of Muslims in the South-Southern/South-Western parts of Nigeria during the EndSARS protests and the persecution and killing of a Muslim student at the Oyun Baptist High School, Ijagbo, Kwara State. MPAC continues to pursue these two cases with the Nigerian Police and the Nigeria Human Rights Commission. The last one and half years also saw MPAC ramp up its collaboration with different organizations to build a common front against persecution or discrimination against Muslims and for progressing national unity and national progress.
At MPAC, we are passionate about the work we do and it’s a lifetime commitment for us. However, we need partners and we need it now. MPAC is currently running on very low fuel. Part of our plans for 2022 is to develop a strong Advocacy, Research and Policy department. We already have a robust plan for achieving this, including the roadmap, staff and office requirements. What we need to move forward is the fund. Imagine the boost our works and the results we achieve for the Ummah will receive and how our capacity for pre-emptive actions will be transformed once we have a solid , well structured and well resourced team dedicated to managing the backend for us, in the areas of advocacy, research and policy as they impact our plans and decisions. Additionally, we plan to provide training and development opportunities for our staff and volunteers to enhance their capacities and for new skills acquisition.
We recognise we need to be able to pay at least the industry wage in order to attract and retain talents. In the midst of the challenges that the Ummah face, there is no way we can avoid shoddy jobs with people that are not on at least the industry wage, with a clear career path for progression and personal development. We need to replace office equipment, pay rents, increase our participation in national affairs and provide quality leadership on national issues. It costs a lot to be able to maintain the office (telephone calls, local transportations, running the generator and paying for utilities) and to repel discrimination and attacks. In fact, it costs a lot to SERVE.
Invest in MPAC this Ramadan and make our voice stronger. Donate generously in these last ten days and receive unlimited rewards.
Bank Account Detail
Account Name: Muslim Public Affairs CentreBank: JAIZ Bank Plc.
Account Number:0003670628 (General Donation)0003610695 (Zakat Payment)…Bank: Stanbic IBTC
Account Number: 0006479106
Zakaat Nizab* (GOLD): N2,243,920
Percentage Due on Money for Zakaat: 2.5% of Amount from the Nizab
*Zakat Nisab is the minimum amount in Nigerian Naira that a Muslim must own for Zakat to be due after one Islamic year.
We rely on you as God sent, during these last 10 days of Ramadan to spare whatever you can and help us achieve our tasks and targets. Please set up a standing order for any amount. Such a regular payment, however little or big, will give us the peace of mind and space to plan and introduce long term projects because we will know that there are regular donations. We can then plan for the long term based on this.
There are also other methods of payment, including PayPal for your convenience.
We also urge you to pay your Zakat to us to be able to carry on with our works (Please see We Are Zakat Eligible).
What we have listed here are in addition to normal routine work and activities at the MPAC office, representing the ummah and building an inclusive society.
“Who is it that will offer up unto God a goodly loan, which He will amply repay?”
Surah Al – Hadid, 57:11
“Shield yourselves from Hell-fire even by giving half a date in charity.”
Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
As you’re here…
MPAC has one humble request from you…
Thousands of Nigerian Muslims rely on the services we provide at MPAC and thousands more from around the world visit our website for news every day. Due to the significant challenges we face in dealing with Muslim-related issues in a heightened Islamophobic environment, MPAC is constantly under financial strain to meet our financial needs.
To maintain editorial and financial independence, with no sectarian or political allegiance to any particular group or movement MPAC relies only on donations from individuals like you.
It is easy to understand the importance of organisations that do the sort of work we do at MPAC in today’s climate. Please support us financially and please support us for as little as N1000 a month. It only takes a minute to make a one-off donation or to set up a standing order with your bank. Jazakallah khayran.
Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “The best deeds are those done regularly, even if they are small.” [Ibn Mājah]